söndag 22 februari 2009
Kasvovyöhyketerapia auttaa tehokkaasti kun on kyse erilaisista sairauksista, fysiologisista, psyykkisistä sekä funktionaalisista vyöhykkeistä. Tavallisesti kehon eri alueet liitetään yhteen vyöhykkeiden avulla.
Esittelemme täällä kasvohalvauksen saaneen naisen, millaista terapia on sekä tulokset jotka on saavutettu kasvovyöhyke menetelmällä
Potilas, 41 v nainen, leikattiin päästä jotta saataisiin kasvain kuulohermosta (acoustic neurinom, hyvänlaatuinen kasvain pikkuaivon, pons ja aivorungon välissä) poistettua. Leikkaus tapahtui helmikuussa 2007, joka johti kasvohalvaukseen. Lääkäri sanoi ettei hermo vahingoittunut leikkauksessa, mutta hermo oli puudutettu ja sen pitäisi herätä uudelleen. Hänen oikeanpuolinen korvansa kuuroutui myös, koska kuulohermo, 8. kraniaalihermo, oli poistettu kokonaan.
Fysioterapia sekä kasvojen lihaksien kuntoutus aloitettiin heti kahdeksan viikon ajaksi, mutta tuloksetta. Parannus tapahtui hyvin hitaasti. Kesäkuun puolivaiheessa potilas lähti Hannek Van Baal's klinikalle Hollantiin, joka suorittaa Lone Sorensenin terapiaa. Silloin hänellä oli ollut oireita kasvohalvauksesta jo neljän kuukauden ajan. Hän ei pystynyt sulkemaan tai liikuttamaan silmäluomeansa, joten hänen corneansa kuivui ja hänen oli pakko suojella silmäänsä koko ajan muovilla. Hänen suupieli oli laskenut ja suu työntyi sivulle. Erityisesti hänen ollessa väsynyt teetti hänellä vaikeuksia puhua.
Hän ei ollut vielä silloin palannut takaisin työhönsä sairaanhoitajana.
Parannus puolen vuoden sisällä.
Terapeutti aloitti potilaan hoidon Lone Sorensen ohjauksien mukaisesti kasvovyöhyketerapiaa käyttäen. Jokainen vyöhyke kasvoissa analysoitiin perusteellisesti, jotta isoin häiriö eli deposiitti löydettäisiin. Se on myös vanhin toiminnallinen este ja siten ongelman syy. Sitä hoidettaessa vaikutus heijastuu myös kaikkiin muihin ongelmiin. Tällä kerta syy löydettiin hormonisysteemistä; tasapaino rauhasten, kudoksien, lihaksien ja tunteiden kesken oli häiriintynyt. Terapeutti antoi erikoishoidon tälle alueelle jotta tasapaino saataisiin palautettua, sekä akupisteille jotka säätävät ja stimuloivat energiavirran kasvoille ja keholle. Myös kaikki aivohermojen vyöhykkeet saivat erikoishoitoa. Lisäksi hän käytti tiettyjä hermopisteitä suulle ja silmille, seuraten menetelmää jonka Toht. Quoc Chau otti esille Vietnamissa juuri kasvojen hermopisteiden hoitoa varten.
Erittäin tärkeää on myös kasvojen lihaksien hieronta. Nyt käytettiin karttaa jonka Toht. Castillo Morales, Argentiina, on ottanut esille. Hän on tehnyt erittäin tärkeän työn, jossa hän on liittänyt aivojen toiminnat ja kasvojen lihaksien jännitystilat yhteen. Kartan avulla hän pystyy laukaisemaan lihaksien jännitystilan. Kaikki nämä ideat Lone Sorensen käytti kasvovyöhyketerapiassa josta syntyi siten kokonaisvaltainen terapiamuoto. Hän voi tarpeen mukaan käyttää jopa neljäätoista eri terapiamuotoa. Tässäkin tapauksessa käytettiin sarja akupisteitä erityisesti halvauksen hoitoa varten.
Hoito purkaa ylimääräisen jännitystilan samalla kun se antaa uskoa ja toivoa että edistystä on mahdollista saada aikaan, kun potilaat huomaavat eron. Tämäkin seikka on erittäin tärkeää hyvinvoinnin kannalta.
Jo ensimmäisen hoidon aikana hän tunsi eron kasvoissaan. Myös pieni lihas nenän alla liikkui. Hän oli hyvin väsynyt hoidon jälkeen, mutta samalla myös hyvin innoissaan.
Kahden seuraavan hoitokerran jälkeen hän kykeni liikuttamaan silmäkaareansa ja nostamaan nenänsä hiukan.
Neljännen hoidon jälkeen hän näki selkeämmin ja tunsi itsensä vahvemmaksi. Yksi syvällisempi lihas alkoi toimia jälleen.
Viidennen hoidon jälkeen hän sai enemmän energiaa, ja lihas silmän alla alkoi toimia. Nyt hän yritti tehdä työtä muutamia tuntia päivässä, jotta hän tuntisi rajansa. Hän kävi terapeuttinsa luona jonka piti purkaa kasvojen lihaksien jännitystila leikkauksen jälkeen, mutta tämä ei silloin voinut auttaa. Hän näki suuren eron sekä fyysisesti että mentaalisesti.
Kuudennen hoidon jälkeen hän osasi jakaa energiansa paremmin ja jo seitsemännen hoidon jälkeen hän tunsi itsensä hyvin rennoksi, ja hän kykeni melkein pistämään silmänsä kiinni. Hän näytti myös hyvin rennolta ja hän pystyi liikuttamaan kasvolihaksiaan koko ajan.
Seuraavien viikkojen aikana hän kävi työssään useammin ja tunsi itsensä vahvemmaksi. Jokaisen hoidon jälkeen hän tunsi eron: pistely ja "perhos-tuntuma" oikealla puolella kasvoissa silmän ja korvan ympäri. Hän pystyi myös kyynelehtimään jälleen.
Joulukuuhun 2007 saakka hän kävi joka viikko terapeutin luona, ja jokaisella kerralla hän toipui vähän. Hän pystyi saamaan kehon ilmeitä aikaan, jonka lisäksi leuka-alue sekä kasvojen alaosa oli kiinteämpi. Otsan alue oli kokonaan liikkumaton ennen tätä, mutta nyt hän pystyi tuntemaan lihasliikkeitä myös otsassaan.
Hän sai jälleen normaalin elämän. Tämä oli joulukuussa, yhdeksännentoista hoitokerran jälkeen.
2008 aikana hän työskenteli yhä enemmän, yhtä lailla kuin hänen työtoverinsakin. Hän jatkoi hoitoaan, mutta nyt joka toinen viikko. Parannusta jatkui edelleen, mutta hitaammin.
Maaliskuussa hän kävi neurologinsa luona joka oli erittäin yllättynyt kun näki potilaansa edistykset, vielä melkein vuoden kuluttua leikkauksesta.
11th. Newsletter of GLOBAL FACIAL NETWORK
Sep 2008
How to treat Facial Paralyse
Case of Facial Paralyse
Microsystems as Fractals of the Human Body
Today there exists many forms of therapies that point out the fractal characteristics of the human body. Every part of the body can be seen as holographic system of its own. So the hand and the foot, the leg, the arm, the ear, the face, the head etc. are small copies of the body reflected to the skin. Also inner parts as the tongue, the teeth, the large intestine are microsystems, but because they are inner parts they are seldom used.
Location of auricular organ projection areas related to gallbladder (1), appendix (2), stomach (3), uterus (4), heart (5), and lungs (6)
The idea is based on the principle of the fractalisation of living and non-living nature and on the acupuncture channels systems wave essence. This theory allows from physics point of view explain such categories of traditional chines medicine as meridian, point, microacupuncture system, Qi-energy, pathogen factors. Possible amount of projection microsystems on skin surface and mucous membranes is unlimited.
The necessity of scientific elaboration of physiologic mechanisms of treatment effects are badly needed. The problems with skin electrical potentials are enlighted in an article here. Three lines of scientific evidence suggest that impedance at APs is electrically distinct from non-AP sites and that changes in skin impedance at APs may be of substantial diagnostic, therapeutic and research significance.
The medicine has long known such mechanisms as referred pain (reflexes of pain to the skin), trigger points (reflexes to muscles and tendons), dermatomes (reflexes from the nerves to the skin), and sclerotomes (from bones to skin), reflexes from the heart and intestine, the tendons, the muscles etc. Reflexes are very important as a whole for the body. They are used as messengers for feed-back and feed-forward mechanisms, or in short as stress responses, and the aim for these responses are to adapt the body to its surroundings. The stress can be outer stress from the surroundings, but more often it is inner stress, built up by the individual. In chinese traditional medicine they also say, that illness can never come from outside, if the body is in balance.
Reflexes from skin to the organs
These same reflexes can also be used the other way; from the skin we can see our inner body. We can diagnose imbalances in different organs, as seen from South-Africa, where Szopinski among others found that all our inner organs had reflexes to the skin. This is called organ electrodermal diagnostics (OED)and has a a thorough scientific background, including two Ph.D. theses, a master's degree dissertation and several research articles published in international medical journals (can be requested from Diagnotronics). This has been investigated academically for 20 years.
OED is the first method of this kind that has undergone double-blind clinical trials with positive results.
Rectification ratios obtained at Organ Projection Areas, OPAs, related to diseased organs before premedication were approximately 3 times higher than readings from control points. Premedication, general anesthesia, and skin incision did not influence the results. However, direct surgical manipulation of the diseased organs resulted in a rapid and statistically significant (P<.001) increase in the rectification ratios observed in the related skin areas. In addition, rectification ratios were significant (P<.001) for all conditions vs control.
Various specific relationships between the skin and internal organs are known. Pain sensitivity (e.g., as assessed by means of Head's dermatomes), skin temperature, hydration, and color, as well as electrical parameters, may be changed by internal organ pathology. Correlations between skin electrical resistance and psychological status (psychogalvanic reaction) are used in polygraph tests. The impact of endocrine function and autonomic innervation of particular dermatomes on the skin's electrical resistance is also well known. The electrical current perception threshold is influenced by many diseases.
Many authors have investigated the effect of particular organ pathology on the electrical parameters of the corresponding skin areas. Diagnostic methods based on measurements of electrical potential, resistance, and impedance of these zones have been proposed. However, their diagnostic accuracy has not been proven and reproducibility has not been consistent. Some of these methods use specific bioelectrical properties of acupuncture points.
A breakthrough effect
A wide variety of measurement techniques and current parameters are used in the above-mentioned methods. The results obtained often depend on perspiration, which is influenced by the patient's muscular tension, emotional condition, skin hydration, procedure duration, environmental temperature, and humidity, as well as the pressure of the measuring electrode. Therefore, these methods did not find widespread application in contemporary medicine, and the authors' ideas did not create a unified and systematic scientific basis for the use of bioelectrical skin properties for organ diagnostics.
The nervous system is the primary computing system of the human body. The sensory nervous system detects any damage done to the body from both outside and inside and sends the information, at the earliest stage of pathology, to the central nervous system, which controls potent self-defense mechanisms. The CNS cannot simultaneously process all available information, originating internally and externally, due to limited capacity. The necessity to eliminate information which is less important at the time, created the specific converging structure of the sensory nervous system.
Due to the specific structure of the nervous system, this information also reaches certain skin areas (Convergence Modulation Theory), causing changes in the skin's bioelectrical properties. This phenomenon opened new and logical opportunities for medical diagnostics. OED is the first clinically proven method of this kind which accesses the body's own information system, the 'first hand' source of diagnostic information.
The CNS gives higher priority to signals resulting from external stimuli (skin) than to messages coming from internal organs: information coming from sensory organs is generally more important for the organism's self-defense and survival. This is why signals generated by internal organs can be blocked by even mild stimulation of the relevant skin areas. 'Convergence modulation theory' is introduced, which proposes that acupuncture and other reflexive therapies function by controlling the flow of information in the nervous system and thereby reprogramming the powerful self-defense systems according to actual needs.
The OED device utilizes the electrical “breakthrough effect” of the skin to estimate the extent of the diode phenomenon in skin areas corresponding to particular internal organs. In this way OED identifies diseased internal organs and estimates the intensity of pathological processes within these organs.
Reflexological research
The American Academy of Reflexology conducted the first reflexology research study to ever be published in scientific medical literature, when the study appeared in the prestigious journal, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Vol. 82, #6, December 1993.
In China was an clinical trial (16 patients) made on this subject too in 1993 (Qi)to Testify the Relationship Between Large Intestine and Its Foot Reflex Zone. This study revealed that foot reflexology of the large bowel and rectum have an obvious relationship with disorders of corresponding anatomic structures.
Since then many other Reflexology Research Studies have been reported around the world.
Acupuncture as a science are nowadays going through an enormous developement. Different microsystems are detected from different parts of the body. From the first look even the brief review astonishes by their variety. Auriculotherapy (Nogier), Su Jock-therapy (Park Jae Woo), ECIWO-therapy (Zhang Ying Qing), oral acupuncture (J. Gleditch), iridodiagnostics, nasal therapy, different modifications of scalptherapy (including Yamamoto New Scalp Acupuncture-YNSA), facial reflexology (Sörensen) vaginal acupuncture (H. Buchheit), clavicle needle injection – that is a far not full list.
All the varieties of these systems are united by their general property – each of them is a projection of all body parts and internal organs on the limited section of the skin, mucous membrane and periosteum. The organs are extrapolated not only morphologically, but also functionally. It’s evidently impossible to explain such kind of reflection on so various and removed surfaces by the only means of neurohormonal connections. Nevertheless the clinical efficiency of influence on the microsystems points is out of doubt. One of modern theories of the acupuncture influence is the fractal-field model of organism structure. It exactly opens the way for the microacupuncture systems appearance, structure and activity understanding.
Benua Mandelbrot, working in the field of nonlinear equations and complex numbers is the father of fractal geometry. Their peculiarity is that the primary (mother’s) figure gives rise to the absolutely similar in form and contents but smaller in size figures. This similarity is mathematically endless in principle, but the real size of the smallest figure must be restricted by atom size. Apart from the self-organization principle here is demonstrated the dialectical unity of structure and chaos during the same process: the central symmetrical figure at the beginning of the process is gradually turning to the chaotic “fractal dust” on the periphery.
Recently the fractalisation (similarity) principle has been recognized as the basic principle of nature self-organization. A lot of similar to fractal structures were also discovered in the organism. The organisms are said to be geometrical, topological, and fractal in its forms. Furthermore besides structural there are functional fractals as well. For example, according to the ECG Holter monitoring data, the curve depicting the alteration of heart’s contractions frequency for 24 hours, is identical to the R-R interval (electrocardiogram) one minute’s exchange diagram.
There were many attempts to explain the nature of acupuncture meridians. Now you can count about twenty theories, that confirms that the problem has not been solved yet. One of modern views is the fractal-field model of the organism structure, which describes the meridian as a wave’s extreme cycle in the organism coherent field with projection on the body surface at the acupuncture points zone. According to the positions, the main function of the meridians is an informational exchange between the organism (microspace) and the environment (macrospace). The goal of this exchange is the adaptation of on organism for the environment’s changeable conditions.
Negentropy maximization principle.
One concept that is often used is entropy. When the differentation increases the entropy becomes smaller. The negative entropy of a living system is the entropy that it exports to keep its own entropy low; it lies at the intersection of entropy and life. Negentropy is used as a measure of distance to normality. Negentropy is the force that seeks to achieve effective organizational behavior and lead to a steady predictable state. Planck thermodynamic potential, known also as free entropy, has been shown to play a great role in the so-called entropic formulation of statistical mechanics, applied among the others in molecular biology. The term was introduced by Erwin Schrödinger in his 1943 popular-science book What is life. Matti Bergström uses this in his dipole brain theory. Also different low energy lasers are used in this way. The "healthy" frequence is 632 nm, used by Anu Mäkelä among others. Its "healtiness" depends on its harmonious characteristics.
Quantum biology.
In quantum physics the different elementar particles also behaves according to the same principles, and how could it be otherwise. The life, and all the world, is built from these particles. They have also a supersymmetry of bosons and fermions. That is matter and not matter, perhaps dark matter. From this simple equation is then the whole universe built. Soon, perhaps, we have the answers, when the so called Higgs particle´s secret is revieled.
One fundamental aspect in understanding of fractalization principle is Planck constant. Matti Pitkänen has developed a fascinating theory, TGD, that will unite the quantum world with our classical world ontology. And there is the Planck constant hierarchy very central, indeed. The thought that the hierarchy of Planck constants could label levels of fractal hierarchy is quite new, and hitherto controversial. But it looks very good.
The evolution goes up the ladder of Planck constants. The different Planck constants grows bigger as evolution goes on, and the materia condensates at magnetic flux tubes containing dark matter forming a fractal hierarchy.
As above, so below, is the ancient saying, that in this way can be said to be true. I will come back to this fascinating question later.
It is a very fruitful combination to unite biology with physics. The physic tries to get the simple picture, so often lost in science. Said with Matti Bergströms words on the observer-problem - "There then appears to be a paradox: a "sleeping physicist" would be the best, ideal, observer, since the imaginary, subconscious dimension would not affect the cortical/sensory functions and the results of our observation in physical experiments. There would be no iterations in the observing Self. And no local "dance", nor uncertainty, in the observed object."
Here links also the very complicated question of EEG, EMG, EXG, seen as fractals. Also other electromagnetic frequencies may be involved. The Yin and Yang of our world?
- Microacupuncture systems are one of the manifestations of fractalisation, the universal principle of self-organization in nature.
- The number of possible microsystems is unlimited.
- Resolution of a microsystem and its influence on the organism depend on the size of its projection on the surface of skin, mucous membrane and periosteum. This influence is the most effective in the points of the classical acupuncture meridians.
-The fractal-field theory of the microacupuncture systems needs the elaboration of the physiological mechanism for the medical effect realization.
Bergström Matti 2006: Imaginary Time, Real Time and Complex Time
- a brain based analysis of the time concept to be used in physical science. http://www.matti-bergstrom.fi/complextime.html
Bouevitch, Vadim M.Ac. Microacupuncture Systems as Fractals of the Human Body.
Colbert A. P. et. al.: Skin Impedance Measurements for Acupuncture Research: Development of a Continuous Recording System. eCAM Advance Access published online on June 15, 2007, http://ecam.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/content/full/nem060v1?maxtoshow=&HITS=10&hits=10&RESULTFORMAT=1&andorexacttitle=and&titleabstract=Skin+Impedance+Measurements+for+Acupuncture+Research&andorexacttitleabs=and&andorexactfulltext=and&searchid=1&FIRSTINDEX=0&sortspec=relevance&fdate=//&resourcetype=HWCIT
Nebrat V. The physical model of the low energy electromagnetic field influence on the human body through acupuncture points. Saint-Petersburg. 2-nd European Congress “Acupuncture White Nights-97”. Poster.
Paitgen H.-O., Richter P.H. The beauty of Fractals. Images of complex dynamical systems. Heidelberg. Springer-Verlag, 1986 p.175
Pitkänen Matti, 2006: Does TGD Predict the Spectrum of Planck Constants? http://tgd.wippiespace.com/public_html/tgdquant/tgdquant.html#Planck and
- 2008: TGD Inspired Quantum Model of Living Matter. http://tgd.wippiespace.com/public_html/articles/quantumbio.pdf
Qi, H., "Clinical Trial to Testify the Relationship Between Large Intestine and Its Foot Reflex Zone." 1993 China Reflexology Symposium Report, Beijing : China Reflexology Association, pages 60-61.
Szopinski J.Z., Pantanowitz D., Lochner G.P. Estimation of the diagnostic accuracy of organ electrodermal diagnostics. South African Medical Journal 2004, Vol. 94, No. 7, pp 547-551.
Szopinski J.Z., Sierak T., Lochner G.P. Neurophysiological foundations of organ electrodermal diagnostics, acupuncture, TENS and other reflexive therapies. South African Journal of Anaesthesia and Analgesia 2004, Vol. 10, No. 3, pp 21-27.
JZ Szopinski & D Pantanowitz: Estimation of the diagnostic accuracy of organ electrodermal diagnostics. South African Medical Journal > Vol. 94, No. 7 (2004).
Location of auricular organ projection areas related to gallbladder (1), appendix (2), stomach (3), uterus (4), heart (5), and lungs (6)
The idea is based on the principle of the fractalisation of living and non-living nature and on the acupuncture channels systems wave essence. This theory allows from physics point of view explain such categories of traditional chines medicine as meridian, point, microacupuncture system, Qi-energy, pathogen factors. Possible amount of projection microsystems on skin surface and mucous membranes is unlimited.
The necessity of scientific elaboration of physiologic mechanisms of treatment effects are badly needed. The problems with skin electrical potentials are enlighted in an article here. Three lines of scientific evidence suggest that impedance at APs is electrically distinct from non-AP sites and that changes in skin impedance at APs may be of substantial diagnostic, therapeutic and research significance.
The medicine has long known such mechanisms as referred pain (reflexes of pain to the skin), trigger points (reflexes to muscles and tendons), dermatomes (reflexes from the nerves to the skin), and sclerotomes (from bones to skin), reflexes from the heart and intestine, the tendons, the muscles etc. Reflexes are very important as a whole for the body. They are used as messengers for feed-back and feed-forward mechanisms, or in short as stress responses, and the aim for these responses are to adapt the body to its surroundings. The stress can be outer stress from the surroundings, but more often it is inner stress, built up by the individual. In chinese traditional medicine they also say, that illness can never come from outside, if the body is in balance.
Reflexes from skin to the organs
These same reflexes can also be used the other way; from the skin we can see our inner body. We can diagnose imbalances in different organs, as seen from South-Africa, where Szopinski among others found that all our inner organs had reflexes to the skin. This is called organ electrodermal diagnostics (OED)and has a a thorough scientific background, including two Ph.D. theses, a master's degree dissertation and several research articles published in international medical journals (can be requested from Diagnotronics). This has been investigated academically for 20 years.
OED is the first method of this kind that has undergone double-blind clinical trials with positive results.
Rectification ratios obtained at Organ Projection Areas, OPAs, related to diseased organs before premedication were approximately 3 times higher than readings from control points. Premedication, general anesthesia, and skin incision did not influence the results. However, direct surgical manipulation of the diseased organs resulted in a rapid and statistically significant (P<.001) increase in the rectification ratios observed in the related skin areas. In addition, rectification ratios were significant (P<.001) for all conditions vs control.
Various specific relationships between the skin and internal organs are known. Pain sensitivity (e.g., as assessed by means of Head's dermatomes), skin temperature, hydration, and color, as well as electrical parameters, may be changed by internal organ pathology. Correlations between skin electrical resistance and psychological status (psychogalvanic reaction) are used in polygraph tests. The impact of endocrine function and autonomic innervation of particular dermatomes on the skin's electrical resistance is also well known. The electrical current perception threshold is influenced by many diseases.
Many authors have investigated the effect of particular organ pathology on the electrical parameters of the corresponding skin areas. Diagnostic methods based on measurements of electrical potential, resistance, and impedance of these zones have been proposed. However, their diagnostic accuracy has not been proven and reproducibility has not been consistent. Some of these methods use specific bioelectrical properties of acupuncture points.
A breakthrough effect
A wide variety of measurement techniques and current parameters are used in the above-mentioned methods. The results obtained often depend on perspiration, which is influenced by the patient's muscular tension, emotional condition, skin hydration, procedure duration, environmental temperature, and humidity, as well as the pressure of the measuring electrode. Therefore, these methods did not find widespread application in contemporary medicine, and the authors' ideas did not create a unified and systematic scientific basis for the use of bioelectrical skin properties for organ diagnostics.
The nervous system is the primary computing system of the human body. The sensory nervous system detects any damage done to the body from both outside and inside and sends the information, at the earliest stage of pathology, to the central nervous system, which controls potent self-defense mechanisms. The CNS cannot simultaneously process all available information, originating internally and externally, due to limited capacity. The necessity to eliminate information which is less important at the time, created the specific converging structure of the sensory nervous system.
Due to the specific structure of the nervous system, this information also reaches certain skin areas (Convergence Modulation Theory), causing changes in the skin's bioelectrical properties. This phenomenon opened new and logical opportunities for medical diagnostics. OED is the first clinically proven method of this kind which accesses the body's own information system, the 'first hand' source of diagnostic information.
The CNS gives higher priority to signals resulting from external stimuli (skin) than to messages coming from internal organs: information coming from sensory organs is generally more important for the organism's self-defense and survival. This is why signals generated by internal organs can be blocked by even mild stimulation of the relevant skin areas. 'Convergence modulation theory' is introduced, which proposes that acupuncture and other reflexive therapies function by controlling the flow of information in the nervous system and thereby reprogramming the powerful self-defense systems according to actual needs.
The OED device utilizes the electrical “breakthrough effect” of the skin to estimate the extent of the diode phenomenon in skin areas corresponding to particular internal organs. In this way OED identifies diseased internal organs and estimates the intensity of pathological processes within these organs.
Reflexological research
The American Academy of Reflexology conducted the first reflexology research study to ever be published in scientific medical literature, when the study appeared in the prestigious journal, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Vol. 82, #6, December 1993.
In China was an clinical trial (16 patients) made on this subject too in 1993 (Qi)to Testify the Relationship Between Large Intestine and Its Foot Reflex Zone. This study revealed that foot reflexology of the large bowel and rectum have an obvious relationship with disorders of corresponding anatomic structures.
Since then many other Reflexology Research Studies have been reported around the world.
Acupuncture as a science are nowadays going through an enormous developement. Different microsystems are detected from different parts of the body. From the first look even the brief review astonishes by their variety. Auriculotherapy (Nogier), Su Jock-therapy (Park Jae Woo), ECIWO-therapy (Zhang Ying Qing), oral acupuncture (J. Gleditch), iridodiagnostics, nasal therapy, different modifications of scalptherapy (including Yamamoto New Scalp Acupuncture-YNSA), facial reflexology (Sörensen) vaginal acupuncture (H. Buchheit), clavicle needle injection – that is a far not full list.
All the varieties of these systems are united by their general property – each of them is a projection of all body parts and internal organs on the limited section of the skin, mucous membrane and periosteum. The organs are extrapolated not only morphologically, but also functionally. It’s evidently impossible to explain such kind of reflection on so various and removed surfaces by the only means of neurohormonal connections. Nevertheless the clinical efficiency of influence on the microsystems points is out of doubt. One of modern theories of the acupuncture influence is the fractal-field model of organism structure. It exactly opens the way for the microacupuncture systems appearance, structure and activity understanding.
Benua Mandelbrot, working in the field of nonlinear equations and complex numbers is the father of fractal geometry. Their peculiarity is that the primary (mother’s) figure gives rise to the absolutely similar in form and contents but smaller in size figures. This similarity is mathematically endless in principle, but the real size of the smallest figure must be restricted by atom size. Apart from the self-organization principle here is demonstrated the dialectical unity of structure and chaos during the same process: the central symmetrical figure at the beginning of the process is gradually turning to the chaotic “fractal dust” on the periphery.
Recently the fractalisation (similarity) principle has been recognized as the basic principle of nature self-organization. A lot of similar to fractal structures were also discovered in the organism. The organisms are said to be geometrical, topological, and fractal in its forms. Furthermore besides structural there are functional fractals as well. For example, according to the ECG Holter monitoring data, the curve depicting the alteration of heart’s contractions frequency for 24 hours, is identical to the R-R interval (electrocardiogram) one minute’s exchange diagram.
There were many attempts to explain the nature of acupuncture meridians. Now you can count about twenty theories, that confirms that the problem has not been solved yet. One of modern views is the fractal-field model of the organism structure, which describes the meridian as a wave’s extreme cycle in the organism coherent field with projection on the body surface at the acupuncture points zone. According to the positions, the main function of the meridians is an informational exchange between the organism (microspace) and the environment (macrospace). The goal of this exchange is the adaptation of on organism for the environment’s changeable conditions.
Negentropy maximization principle.
One concept that is often used is entropy. When the differentation increases the entropy becomes smaller. The negative entropy of a living system is the entropy that it exports to keep its own entropy low; it lies at the intersection of entropy and life. Negentropy is used as a measure of distance to normality. Negentropy is the force that seeks to achieve effective organizational behavior and lead to a steady predictable state. Planck thermodynamic potential, known also as free entropy, has been shown to play a great role in the so-called entropic formulation of statistical mechanics, applied among the others in molecular biology. The term was introduced by Erwin Schrödinger in his 1943 popular-science book What is life. Matti Bergström uses this in his dipole brain theory. Also different low energy lasers are used in this way. The "healthy" frequence is 632 nm, used by Anu Mäkelä among others. Its "healtiness" depends on its harmonious characteristics.
Quantum biology.
In quantum physics the different elementar particles also behaves according to the same principles, and how could it be otherwise. The life, and all the world, is built from these particles. They have also a supersymmetry of bosons and fermions. That is matter and not matter, perhaps dark matter. From this simple equation is then the whole universe built. Soon, perhaps, we have the answers, when the so called Higgs particle´s secret is revieled.
One fundamental aspect in understanding of fractalization principle is Planck constant. Matti Pitkänen has developed a fascinating theory, TGD, that will unite the quantum world with our classical world ontology. And there is the Planck constant hierarchy very central, indeed. The thought that the hierarchy of Planck constants could label levels of fractal hierarchy is quite new, and hitherto controversial. But it looks very good.
The evolution goes up the ladder of Planck constants. The different Planck constants grows bigger as evolution goes on, and the materia condensates at magnetic flux tubes containing dark matter forming a fractal hierarchy.
As above, so below, is the ancient saying, that in this way can be said to be true. I will come back to this fascinating question later.
It is a very fruitful combination to unite biology with physics. The physic tries to get the simple picture, so often lost in science. Said with Matti Bergströms words on the observer-problem - "There then appears to be a paradox: a "sleeping physicist" would be the best, ideal, observer, since the imaginary, subconscious dimension would not affect the cortical/sensory functions and the results of our observation in physical experiments. There would be no iterations in the observing Self. And no local "dance", nor uncertainty, in the observed object."
Here links also the very complicated question of EEG, EMG, EXG, seen as fractals. Also other electromagnetic frequencies may be involved. The Yin and Yang of our world?
- Microacupuncture systems are one of the manifestations of fractalisation, the universal principle of self-organization in nature.
- The number of possible microsystems is unlimited.
- Resolution of a microsystem and its influence on the organism depend on the size of its projection on the surface of skin, mucous membrane and periosteum. This influence is the most effective in the points of the classical acupuncture meridians.
-The fractal-field theory of the microacupuncture systems needs the elaboration of the physiological mechanism for the medical effect realization.
Bergström Matti 2006: Imaginary Time, Real Time and Complex Time
- a brain based analysis of the time concept to be used in physical science. http://www.matti-bergstrom.fi/complextime.html
Bouevitch, Vadim M.Ac. Microacupuncture Systems as Fractals of the Human Body.
Colbert A. P. et. al.: Skin Impedance Measurements for Acupuncture Research: Development of a Continuous Recording System. eCAM Advance Access published online on June 15, 2007, http://ecam.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/content/full/nem060v1?maxtoshow=&HITS=10&hits=10&RESULTFORMAT=1&andorexacttitle=and&titleabstract=Skin+Impedance+Measurements+for+Acupuncture+Research&andorexacttitleabs=and&andorexactfulltext=and&searchid=1&FIRSTINDEX=0&sortspec=relevance&fdate=//&resourcetype=HWCIT
Nebrat V. The physical model of the low energy electromagnetic field influence on the human body through acupuncture points. Saint-Petersburg. 2-nd European Congress “Acupuncture White Nights-97”. Poster.
Paitgen H.-O., Richter P.H. The beauty of Fractals. Images of complex dynamical systems. Heidelberg. Springer-Verlag, 1986 p.175
Pitkänen Matti, 2006: Does TGD Predict the Spectrum of Planck Constants? http://tgd.wippiespace.com/public_html/tgdquant/tgdquant.html#Planck and
- 2008: TGD Inspired Quantum Model of Living Matter. http://tgd.wippiespace.com/public_html/articles/quantumbio.pdf
Qi, H., "Clinical Trial to Testify the Relationship Between Large Intestine and Its Foot Reflex Zone." 1993 China Reflexology Symposium Report, Beijing : China Reflexology Association, pages 60-61.
Szopinski J.Z., Pantanowitz D., Lochner G.P. Estimation of the diagnostic accuracy of organ electrodermal diagnostics. South African Medical Journal 2004, Vol. 94, No. 7, pp 547-551.
Szopinski J.Z., Sierak T., Lochner G.P. Neurophysiological foundations of organ electrodermal diagnostics, acupuncture, TENS and other reflexive therapies. South African Journal of Anaesthesia and Analgesia 2004, Vol. 10, No. 3, pp 21-27.
JZ Szopinski & D Pantanowitz: Estimation of the diagnostic accuracy of organ electrodermal diagnostics. South African Medical Journal > Vol. 94, No. 7 (2004).
fredag 20 februari 2009
Ansiktszonterapi fungerar effektivt vid olika patologier, i fysiska, psykiska och funktionella zoner, som generellt kombinerar olika områden i kroppen.
Här presenterar vi en fallstudie av en patient med ansiktsförlamning, med behandlingar och resultat som uppnåtts med ansiktszonterapi. c. sörensensistem.
Patienten är en 41 årig kvinna som opererades i huvudet för att få bort ett neurinom på hörselnerven (acoustic neurinom är en tumör mellan cerebellum, pons och hjärnstammen). Efter operationen i februari 2007 fick hon ansiktsförlamning. Neurologen sade att det inte skett någon skada, men att nerven var domnad och måste vakna upp igen. Dessutom blev hon döv på högra örat eftersom den 8de kranial nerven helt hade tagits bort.
Fysioterapi och rehabilitering av ansiktsmuskulaturen gjord under åtta veckor hade ingen effekt. Återhämtningen gick mycket sakta. I mitten av juni for patienten till Hannek Van Baal's klinik i Holland, instruktör för Lone Sorensen, för en behandling. Hon hade vid den tiden i fyra månader haft symptom på ansiktsförlamning; högra ögat blinkade ejoch gick inte att slutas. Därför torkade hennes hornhinna ut och hon var tvungen att skydda sitt öga med plast konstant. Hennes mun hängde sned och speciellt då hon var trött hade hon svårt att tala.
Hon hade ännu inte återgått till sitt arbete som sjuksköterska.
Under ledning av Lone Sörensen började terapeuten arbeta med patienten med en behandling baserad på ansiktszonterapi. Alla zoner i hennes ansikte djupanalyserades för att diagnosticera den största deponeringen/hårdheten, vilken är den äldsta blockaden och därför orsaken till besvären. Då deponeringen behandlas har det effekt på alla problem, eftersom de alla är beroende av den äldsta blockeringen. Patientens största deponering låg i hormonsystemet; balansen mellan körtlarna, vävnaderna, musklerna och känslorna var störd. Terapeuten gav denna zon extra uppmärksamhet för att få den i balans med de andra områdena, samt till akupunkterna som reglerar och stimulerar energiflödet till ansiktet och till kroppen. Också zonerna till alla kranialnerver behandlades.
Vidare stimulerade hon specifika nervpunkter för munnen och ögonen, enligt en metod av dr. Quoc Chau, Vietnam.
Också massage av alla ansiktsmuskler är mycket viktig. Här användes en karta av dr. Castillo Morales, Argentina, som gjorde ett monumentalt arbete med länka ihop spänningar i ansiktsmuskulaturen med hjärnfunktion. Att använda denna karta hjälper till att avspänna musklerna. Alla dessa influenser har Lone Sörensen omvandlat till ansiktszonterapi, som är en holistisk behandling. Hennes metod kombinerar upp till fjorton olika metoder i ansiktszonterapi, och de används olika beroende på patologi. I detta fall inkluderades en kombination av akupunkter för att specifikt behandla förlamningen.
Behandlingen ger en avslappning till patienten och samtidigt hopp om att det är möjligt att få en ändring. Detta har en stor betydelse för hennes/hans välbefinnande.
Återställd inom ett halvt år
Redan under första behandlingen hade hon en känsla av förändring i ansiktet. Och faktiskt rörde sig en muskel vid näsan. Hon var mycket trött efter behandlingen, men också mycket entusiastisk.
Efter följande två behandlingar kunde hon röra en muskel till ögonbrynet och hon kunde rynka på näsan en aning.
Efter fjärde behandlingen kunde hon se klarare och hon kände sig mera fylld av energi. En djupare belägen muskel arbetade igen.
Efter femte behandlingen fick hon mera energi och en muskel strax under ögat började arbeta. Hon prövade på att arbeta några timmar per dag, för att se hur mycket hon orkade. Hon besökte också sin terapeut för rehablitering av ansiktsmuskulaturen, och hon såg en stor skillnad både fysiskt och mentalt.
Efter sjätte behandlingen kunde hon bättre fördela sin energi, och igen efter sjunde behandlingen kände hon sig mycket avslappnad och hon kunde nästan sluta sitt öga. Hon såg mera avspänd ut och kunde röra sina ansiktsmuskler hela tiden.
Under de följande veckorna fick hon allt mera kraft. Hon kunde känna effekterna efter varje behandling; pickningar och "fjärilskänsla" i hennes högra ansiktshalva runt ögon och öron. Och hon kunde bilda tårar igen.
Fram till december 2007 kom hon varje vecka och alla gånger skedde förändringar. Hon blev fastare i ansiktsmusklerna och tom. några muskler i pannan rörde sig. De hade inte alls gått att röra innan behandlingarna. Hon fick ett normalt liv igen.
Efter nitton behandlingar.
2008 arbetade hon allt mera, precis som sina kolleger. Hon fortsatte sina behandlingar, men nu varannan vecka. Ännu skedde förändringar, men inte så snabbt. I mars besökte hon sin neurolog, som blev mycket förvånad över hennes framsteg ännu ett år efter operationen.
11th. Newsletter of GLOBAL FACIAL NETWORK
Sep 2008
How to treat Facial Paralyse
Case of Facial Paralyse
Hänvisning till länkar och bilder fån den engelska versionen nedan.
Här presenterar vi en fallstudie av en patient med ansiktsförlamning, med behandlingar och resultat som uppnåtts med ansiktszonterapi. c. sörensensistem.
Patienten är en 41 årig kvinna som opererades i huvudet för att få bort ett neurinom på hörselnerven (acoustic neurinom är en tumör mellan cerebellum, pons och hjärnstammen). Efter operationen i februari 2007 fick hon ansiktsförlamning. Neurologen sade att det inte skett någon skada, men att nerven var domnad och måste vakna upp igen. Dessutom blev hon döv på högra örat eftersom den 8de kranial nerven helt hade tagits bort.
Fysioterapi och rehabilitering av ansiktsmuskulaturen gjord under åtta veckor hade ingen effekt. Återhämtningen gick mycket sakta. I mitten av juni for patienten till Hannek Van Baal's klinik i Holland, instruktör för Lone Sorensen, för en behandling. Hon hade vid den tiden i fyra månader haft symptom på ansiktsförlamning; högra ögat blinkade ejoch gick inte att slutas. Därför torkade hennes hornhinna ut och hon var tvungen att skydda sitt öga med plast konstant. Hennes mun hängde sned och speciellt då hon var trött hade hon svårt att tala.
Hon hade ännu inte återgått till sitt arbete som sjuksköterska.
Under ledning av Lone Sörensen började terapeuten arbeta med patienten med en behandling baserad på ansiktszonterapi. Alla zoner i hennes ansikte djupanalyserades för att diagnosticera den största deponeringen/hårdheten, vilken är den äldsta blockaden och därför orsaken till besvären. Då deponeringen behandlas har det effekt på alla problem, eftersom de alla är beroende av den äldsta blockeringen. Patientens största deponering låg i hormonsystemet; balansen mellan körtlarna, vävnaderna, musklerna och känslorna var störd. Terapeuten gav denna zon extra uppmärksamhet för att få den i balans med de andra områdena, samt till akupunkterna som reglerar och stimulerar energiflödet till ansiktet och till kroppen. Också zonerna till alla kranialnerver behandlades.
Vidare stimulerade hon specifika nervpunkter för munnen och ögonen, enligt en metod av dr. Quoc Chau, Vietnam.
Också massage av alla ansiktsmuskler är mycket viktig. Här användes en karta av dr. Castillo Morales, Argentina, som gjorde ett monumentalt arbete med länka ihop spänningar i ansiktsmuskulaturen med hjärnfunktion. Att använda denna karta hjälper till att avspänna musklerna. Alla dessa influenser har Lone Sörensen omvandlat till ansiktszonterapi, som är en holistisk behandling. Hennes metod kombinerar upp till fjorton olika metoder i ansiktszonterapi, och de används olika beroende på patologi. I detta fall inkluderades en kombination av akupunkter för att specifikt behandla förlamningen.
Behandlingen ger en avslappning till patienten och samtidigt hopp om att det är möjligt att få en ändring. Detta har en stor betydelse för hennes/hans välbefinnande.
Återställd inom ett halvt år
Redan under första behandlingen hade hon en känsla av förändring i ansiktet. Och faktiskt rörde sig en muskel vid näsan. Hon var mycket trött efter behandlingen, men också mycket entusiastisk.
Efter följande två behandlingar kunde hon röra en muskel till ögonbrynet och hon kunde rynka på näsan en aning.
Efter fjärde behandlingen kunde hon se klarare och hon kände sig mera fylld av energi. En djupare belägen muskel arbetade igen.
Efter femte behandlingen fick hon mera energi och en muskel strax under ögat började arbeta. Hon prövade på att arbeta några timmar per dag, för att se hur mycket hon orkade. Hon besökte också sin terapeut för rehablitering av ansiktsmuskulaturen, och hon såg en stor skillnad både fysiskt och mentalt.
Efter sjätte behandlingen kunde hon bättre fördela sin energi, och igen efter sjunde behandlingen kände hon sig mycket avslappnad och hon kunde nästan sluta sitt öga. Hon såg mera avspänd ut och kunde röra sina ansiktsmuskler hela tiden.
Under de följande veckorna fick hon allt mera kraft. Hon kunde känna effekterna efter varje behandling; pickningar och "fjärilskänsla" i hennes högra ansiktshalva runt ögon och öron. Och hon kunde bilda tårar igen.
Fram till december 2007 kom hon varje vecka och alla gånger skedde förändringar. Hon blev fastare i ansiktsmusklerna och tom. några muskler i pannan rörde sig. De hade inte alls gått att röra innan behandlingarna. Hon fick ett normalt liv igen.
Efter nitton behandlingar.
2008 arbetade hon allt mera, precis som sina kolleger. Hon fortsatte sina behandlingar, men nu varannan vecka. Ännu skedde förändringar, men inte så snabbt. I mars besökte hon sin neurolog, som blev mycket förvånad över hennes framsteg ännu ett år efter operationen.
11th. Newsletter of GLOBAL FACIAL NETWORK
Sep 2008
How to treat Facial Paralyse
Case of Facial Paralyse
Hänvisning till länkar och bilder fån den engelska versionen nedan.
Facial paralysis
c. Sörensensistem
Facial Reflexology works effectively in different pathologies, in physical, psychological and functional zones, generally combining different areas.
We will present here the case of a patient with Facial Paralysis, including the treatment and results obtained with Facial Reflexology.
The patient is 41 years old and got a chirurgical operation in the head to get out the acoustic neurinom (a benevolent tumor in the head between the cerebellum, pons and brain stem). After the operation in February 2007 she got a facial paralysis. The neurologist says that there was no damage done, but the nerve was numb and had to wake up again. She also got deaf on the right ear because of the 8th cranial nerve was totally removed.
Treatments of physiotherapy and facial muscular rehabilitation performed along eight weeks did not have any effect. The total recovery was a very slow process. In the midst of June the patient went to Hannek Van Baal's clinic in Holand, instructor of Lone Sorensen in Netherlands, for a treatment. She had at that moment four months symptoms of a facial paralysis: her right eye did not blink and could not close. Because of that, her cornea dried out, and she had to protect her eye with a plaster constantly. Her mouth pulled to one side and, especially when she was tired, she had difficulties to talk.
She had not returned to her job as a nurse yet.
Recovery within a half year
Supervised by Lone Sorensen, from Barcelona, the therapist started treating the patient with a treatment based in Facial Reflexology. All the zones in her face were deeply analyzed in order to diagnose the biggest deposits. The biggest deposit is the eldest blockade and thus the cause. When treating the deposit it has an effect on all the problems. The patient's biggest deposit was in the hormonal system; the balance between the glands, the tissue, the muscles and emotions was disturbed. The therapist gave special attention to this zone so as to balance it with the other areas, and to the acupoints that regulate and stimulate the energy flow to the face and body. She also treated the zone of all cranial nerves.
Furthermore, she treated specific nerve points for the mouth and the eye, according to the method of Dr. Quoc Chau, a methodology studied in Vietnam for treating nerve points in the face.
Aside from this, the massage of all the facial muscles is very important. Here she used a map of Dr. Castillo Morales, an Argentinean doctor who did a tremendous job working with the connection of the tension in the face muscles and the brain function. Using this map helps to relax the muscles. All these influences converted Lone Sorensen's model of Facial Reflexology into a holistic treatment.
Lone Sorensen's methodology combines up to fourteen different methodologies in Facial Reflexology, used depending on the pathology. In this case, a combination of acupoints was included to specifically treat the paralysis.
The treatment gives a relaxing effect to the patient and simultaneously the hope that a progress is possible. This has a great influence on her/his well being.
Already during the first treatment she had the feeling that there was a change in her face. And indeed there was a movement in the muscle on the nose bridge. She was very tired after the treatment, but very enthusiastic.
After the two next treatments she was able to move an eyebrow muscle and she could lift her nose a little bit.
After the fourth treatment, she could see more clearly and she felt more energetic. A deeper muscle was working again.
After the fifth meeting, she got more energy and a muscle just beneath the eye was working. She tried to work a few hours per day, experiencing her limits. She visited her therapist of facial muscular rehabilitation, who saw a big difference both physically and mentally.
After the sixth treatment she was able to divide her energy better. And again after the seventh treatment she felt very relaxed, and she could almost close her eye. She looked more relaxed and was able to move her face muscles all the time.
The following weeks she began to work more and she felt more energy. After every treatment she could feel the effects; pricks and butterfly feelings in the right side of her face in the area around her eye and ear. She could produce tears again.
Until December 2007 she came every week for a treatment and there were changes every time: she was able to frown and her cheek and under part of her face were more solid. She could also feel some muscles on her forehead; an area that was not moving at all before.
She got better dividing her energy and got a normal life again. It was December, after nineteen treatments.
In 2008 she worked more and more, just like her colleagues. Her treatments went on but just once every two weeks. Changes were still taking place, but not so quickly.
In March she visited her neurologist and he is very surprised to see her progress almost a year after the operation.
11th. Newsletter of GLOBAL FACIAL NETWORK
Sep 2008
How to treat Facial Paralyse
Case of Facial Paralyse
Facial Reflexology works effectively in different pathologies, in physical, psychological and functional zones, generally combining different areas.
We will present here the case of a patient with Facial Paralysis, including the treatment and results obtained with Facial Reflexology.
The patient is 41 years old and got a chirurgical operation in the head to get out the acoustic neurinom (a benevolent tumor in the head between the cerebellum, pons and brain stem). After the operation in February 2007 she got a facial paralysis. The neurologist says that there was no damage done, but the nerve was numb and had to wake up again. She also got deaf on the right ear because of the 8th cranial nerve was totally removed.
Treatments of physiotherapy and facial muscular rehabilitation performed along eight weeks did not have any effect. The total recovery was a very slow process. In the midst of June the patient went to Hannek Van Baal's clinic in Holand, instructor of Lone Sorensen in Netherlands, for a treatment. She had at that moment four months symptoms of a facial paralysis: her right eye did not blink and could not close. Because of that, her cornea dried out, and she had to protect her eye with a plaster constantly. Her mouth pulled to one side and, especially when she was tired, she had difficulties to talk.
She had not returned to her job as a nurse yet.
Recovery within a half year
Supervised by Lone Sorensen, from Barcelona, the therapist started treating the patient with a treatment based in Facial Reflexology. All the zones in her face were deeply analyzed in order to diagnose the biggest deposits. The biggest deposit is the eldest blockade and thus the cause. When treating the deposit it has an effect on all the problems. The patient's biggest deposit was in the hormonal system; the balance between the glands, the tissue, the muscles and emotions was disturbed. The therapist gave special attention to this zone so as to balance it with the other areas, and to the acupoints that regulate and stimulate the energy flow to the face and body. She also treated the zone of all cranial nerves.
Furthermore, she treated specific nerve points for the mouth and the eye, according to the method of Dr. Quoc Chau, a methodology studied in Vietnam for treating nerve points in the face.
Aside from this, the massage of all the facial muscles is very important. Here she used a map of Dr. Castillo Morales, an Argentinean doctor who did a tremendous job working with the connection of the tension in the face muscles and the brain function. Using this map helps to relax the muscles. All these influences converted Lone Sorensen's model of Facial Reflexology into a holistic treatment.
Lone Sorensen's methodology combines up to fourteen different methodologies in Facial Reflexology, used depending on the pathology. In this case, a combination of acupoints was included to specifically treat the paralysis.
The treatment gives a relaxing effect to the patient and simultaneously the hope that a progress is possible. This has a great influence on her/his well being.
Already during the first treatment she had the feeling that there was a change in her face. And indeed there was a movement in the muscle on the nose bridge. She was very tired after the treatment, but very enthusiastic.
After the two next treatments she was able to move an eyebrow muscle and she could lift her nose a little bit.
After the fourth treatment, she could see more clearly and she felt more energetic. A deeper muscle was working again.
After the fifth meeting, she got more energy and a muscle just beneath the eye was working. She tried to work a few hours per day, experiencing her limits. She visited her therapist of facial muscular rehabilitation, who saw a big difference both physically and mentally.
After the sixth treatment she was able to divide her energy better. And again after the seventh treatment she felt very relaxed, and she could almost close her eye. She looked more relaxed and was able to move her face muscles all the time.
The following weeks she began to work more and she felt more energy. After every treatment she could feel the effects; pricks and butterfly feelings in the right side of her face in the area around her eye and ear. She could produce tears again.
Until December 2007 she came every week for a treatment and there were changes every time: she was able to frown and her cheek and under part of her face were more solid. She could also feel some muscles on her forehead; an area that was not moving at all before.
She got better dividing her energy and got a normal life again. It was December, after nineteen treatments.
In 2008 she worked more and more, just like her colleagues. Her treatments went on but just once every two weeks. Changes were still taking place, but not so quickly.
In March she visited her neurologist and he is very surprised to see her progress almost a year after the operation.
11th. Newsletter of GLOBAL FACIAL NETWORK
Sep 2008
How to treat Facial Paralyse
Case of Facial Paralyse
söndag 8 februari 2009
Kasvot kehon karttana
Selkäkipujenkin syyn voi selvitä kasvovyöhyketerapiassa.
Vyöhyketerapia on monelle tuttu hoitomuoto mutta harva on tutustunut sen nuorempaan sisarushoitoon, kasvovyöhyketerapiaan. Muutama vuosi sitten Suomeen rantautunut menetelmä on tanskalaisen vyöhyketerapeutti Lone Sörensen Lopezin vuosikymmeniä kestäneen kehittelyn tulos.
- Tanskassa kasvovyöhyketerapia tuli tämän vuoden alussa Kelan korvauspiiriin. Vyöhyketerapia on Tanskassa suosituin vaihtoehtolääketieteen muoto ja Kela on korvannut klassisen vyöhyketerapian jo vuodesta 2007, kertoo dipl.kasvovyöhyketerapeutti Ulla Mattfolk.
Kauneuskeskus Wilhelmiinassa kasvovyöhyketerapiahoitoja tekevä Mattfolk on ensimmäisiä Sörensen Lopezin menetelmän mukaan Suomessa koulutettuja terapeutteja. Kasvovyöhyketerapiasta voi olla apua monenlaisiin vaivoihin, vaikka hoidetaan kasvoja. Kyse on koko kehoon kohdistuvasta hoitomuodosta.
Kasvot ovat mikrosysteemi jotka käsittää koko kehon, aivan kuten korvatkin ovat kehon mikrosysteemi. Kasvovyöhyketerapia täydentää perinteistä vyöhyketerapiaa, mutta näitä hoitoja ei voida tehdä samalla kertaa, koska ne neutralisoivat toistensa vaikutukset.
Kasvovyöhyketerapiaa on yhdistelmä itämaista lääketiedettä, eteläamerikkalaisten intiaani-heimojen vyöhyketerapiateknikkaa sekä modernia neurologista tutkimusta.
- Kasvojen alueelta löytyy kaksikymmentä meridiaanien päätöspisteitä joiden avulla voidaan hoitaa kehoa. Hoitoa aloitetaan noin sanotulla vikaetsintämenetelmällä. Silittelyn kaltaisella hieronnalla etsitään kasvoista kipein ja turvonnein kohta. Hoitoa ei tehdä pääasiallisesti oireiden vaan syyn perusteella. Jos esim. selkä on kipeä todellisen syyn voi löytyä maksasta.
- On muistettava että jos puhutaan esim. viasta maksasta kyseessä on joku yleensä vaaraton toiminnallinen epätasapaino joka vaikuttaa kehoon. Vakavat sairaudet ovat aivan eri asia ja silloin ohjaan hakeutumaan lääkäriin.
Vaikka vyöhyketerapia on ennen kaikkea sairauksien ennaltaehkäisyyn tähtäävä hoitomuoto, sillä on saatu hyviä tuloksia myöskin erilaisien sairauksien hoidossa. Hoito kestää tunnin ja puolet ajasta kuluu hermohoitoon. Kasvoista löytyy yli 560 hermopistettä ja valittuja pisteitä kosketaan tietyn ajan. Hermopisteitä hoitamalla on saatu todella ihmeellisiä tuloksia esim. alaraajahalvauksen tai aivoverenvuodon kokeneilla potilailla, Mattfolk vakuuttaa. Aamuset 21.01.09.Hannele Sivonen
Hon erbjuder zonterapi for ansiktet
Ulla Mattfolk har hämtat dansk behandlingsmetod
till Åbo.
Ulla Mattfolk har bott bara en månad i Åbo, men hon är
i full färd med att marknadsföra en ny komplementär
behandlingsmetod. Hon är nämligen först i
hela södra Finland med att erbjuda ansiktszonterapi,
som kommit hit via Sverige och Österbotten.
Vad går behandlingen ut på?
- Det är zonterapi som man gör i ansiktet. Dels
behandlar man meridianer och zoner, precis som i vanlig
zonterapi, men man behandlar också nervsystemet och
- Det är en danska, Lone Sörensen Lopez, som har
utvecklat metoden. Zonterapi är den mest använda alternativa
behandlingsformen i Danmark, och har redan gått
om klassisk massage. Man kan få ansiktszonterapi på
sjukhus där från 2009.
När kan man må bra av terapin?
- Vid symptom i huvudet,nacken, axlar, stress eller
neurologiska besvär. Ansiktszonterapins grundare
har också fått goda resultat med barn med rörelsebesvär
och neurologiska besvär.
Vad lockade dig till Åbo?
- Jag har en idé om att doktorera på kroppens själv-
läkningsförmåga. Jag är filosofie magister i biologi, och
jag har själv fått hjälp av zonterapi mot dålig rygg.
Men det gäller att hitta någon handledare som vet
någonting om ämnet. Jag söker tills jag hittar en.
Mattfolk ger också vanlig helkroppszonterapi och indisk
huvudmassage - på svenska, finska och engelska. Hon tar
emot på Kuntoutustiimi på Universitetsgatan och på
Wilhelmiina på Slottsgatan.
-HH Åbo Underrättelser dec.08
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