When we think of our brain it don't functions only by molecular inputs, as seen for emotions as instance. Also an electromagnetic (EM) input is important and can create emotions and consciousness. This input is seen in the DC-electrical/magnetical potentialin the brain. In fact the whole consciousness disappears if this potential is circumvented, as Becker has showed. This can in fact be used as anasthesia. Therefore we also speak of quantum consciousness, as seen in Hamerhoffs research. Also Persinger and Murphy has showed that manipulation of this potential can give altered consciousness, and imitate epilepsia, religious ectasy, bliss etc. It can give enlightment as seen for gurus, prophets, insights etc. They then actually 'tap in' in this wast Sea of energy and knowledge.
One special group of patients that suffer from this is schizophrenics. Their hallucinations are as if they came from the environment, and they seem very real. This is in fact the main symptom of schizophrenia. The brain function as an antenna.
In the bible Paulus experience on the road to Damascus would also fit nicely into this picture, as an epileptic attack.
Hallucinations can also come from heat in the desert, as we all know.
I would like to call this our quantum antenna, because the inputs comes from our unconscious window, that quite probably is of quantal origin, as dark energy or matter. The Dirac See or Vacuum soap is often used descriptions of this wast entity.
1. A sixth sense?
Animals have a sense of danger some days before catastrophes in the environment, as earthquakes, volcanoes and tsunamis. This has been scientifically studied. But how this is done is still an open question.
During the Wenchuan magnitude 8.0 earthquake that happened in Wenchuan county (31.0° north latitude, 103.4° east longitude) of Sichuan province, China, on May 12, 2008, eight mice were monitored for locomotor activity and circadian rhythm in constant darkness with temperature 22-24 °C and humidity 55-65% for 38 days. The ongoing monitoring of locomotor activity of mice in our laboratory made it possible to design a posteriori study investigating whether the earthquake was associated with any change in animal behavior. Based on analyzing the recorded data with single cosinor, we found that the locomotor activity dramatically decreased in six of these eight mice on day 3 before the earthquake, and the circadian rhythm of their locomotor activity was no longer detected. The behavioral change lasted for 6 days before the locomotor activity returned to its original state. Analyses of concurrent geomagnetic data showed a higher total intensity during the span when the circadian rhythm in locomotor activity weakened. These results indicated that the behaviors, including circadian rhythm and activity, in these mice indeed changed prior to the earthquake, and the behavioral change might be associated with a change of geomagnetic intensity. Bioelectromagnetics 30:613-620, 2009.
Often foregoing eartquakes is seen a peculiar light. Oh,sure, an HAARP, was said for the Chilean earthquake now. href="">Here a video from China eartquake. What is this light?
2. Radon gas.
There is a debate regarding Radon gas a apercursor for earthquakes. The glowing light would be produced by ionization or plasma-chemical reactions.
Here is the theory:
When an atom of radium decays, it emits an alpha particle. Alpha particles are made of two protons and two neutrons, and are extremely stable (=noble) particles. Essentially, what you have is the nucleus of a helium atom.
After the alpha decay of radium, you have radon. Unlike its parent element, radon is fairly short-lived. It has a half life of just over 3.5 days. Like its parent, radon decays through alpha decay. The resulting products also decay by emitting alpha particles: radon becomes polonium, which becomes an isotope of lead sometimes known as radium B, which becomes an isotope of bismuth known as radium C. These decay sequences take about an hour, ending with more decay sequences that take mere seconds.
Now we come to the link with spirit manifestation: the release of alpha particles during radioactive decays produce heat. This is known as decay heat, and also occurs in substances that go through beta and gamma decay cycles. However, radon may play a role in generation of EM fields as well, particularly in large concentrations.
In the case of pre-seismic emissions of radon however, the outflows of the gas can be significantly higher. They may come as one or more "puffs" of gas as sudden increased pressure in surrounding rocks allow more gas to escape. Increased electrical currents in the Earth associated with pre-seismic activity could also excite trapped pockets of other gasses enough to cause them to forcibly exit the rock, allowing the more inert radon to escape with them.
Radon will increase localized ionization rates, resulting in a ground-level cloud of ions. (Pulinets, 2004). This forms a non-thermal plasma. Some ions will be positively charged because they have shed electrons, others will be negatively charged through accreting stray electrons.
Couloumb interaction, is not very strong in this case, and these clusters can be broken apart fairly easily. If we are talking about an interior location, sudden air current shifts from ventilation systems switching on and off could do the trick. There are other phenomena directly related to earthquakes which can also break the Couloumb bonds. Ahead of earthquakes, there can be intense rushes of gas such as carbon dioxide from the Earth's crust.
"...These intensive air movements destroy neutral [ion] clusters because of weakness in the Couloumb interaction. As a result within a short time the near-ground layer of atmosphere becomes rich in ions... This ionic layer is strongest where the pilots are, and they are especially vulnerable to hallucinations?
The charge separation process... leads to generation of an anomalously strong vertical electric field...." (Pulinets, 2004)
3. Dust and gases (heat or cold).
Dust increase the effect? Russian scientist say plasma + dust is more efficient. Also carbon gases invokes. I will talk more about this later. Linked to plasmoids and solenoids. Also the Josephson current and sound solids.
Tumours and cancer.
An increased cancer incidence has been reported in individuals living and/or working in an environment in which they are exposed to higher than normal artificial electromagnetic fields. One of the most uniform changes associated with the exposure of animals to either pulsed static geomagnetic fields or to sinusoidal extremely low frequency magnetic fields has been a reduction in high night-time levels of melatonin (pineal gland, guts). The high nocturnal production of melatonin leads to elevated blood melatonin levels at night as well. The exposure of humans or animals to light (visible electromagnetic radiation) at night rapidly depresses pineal melatonin production and blood melatonin levels. Likewise, the exposure of animals to various pulsed static and extremely low frequency magnetic fields also reduces melatonin levels. Melatonin is a potent oncostatic agent and it prevents both the initiation and promotion of cancer. Reduction of melatonin, at night, by any means, increases cells' vulnerability to alteration by carcinogenic agents. Thus, if in fact artificial electromagnetic field exposure increases the incidence of cancer in humans, a plausible mechanism could involve a reduction in melatonin (Reiter 1994).
Melatonin is considered to be a marker of circadian rhythms. 50-Hz linearly polarized magnetic fields (10 mu T) on the pineal function did not affect melatonin secretion in humans. Neither in this study with 10 microT. This work from 2002 shows that subjects exposed over a long period (up to 20 years) and on a daily basis to magnetic fields of either 1, 10 or 100 microT, experienced no changes in their plasma melatonin level, their urinary 6-sulfatoxymelatonin level, or the circadian rhythm of melatonin. It thus clearly rebuts the "melatonin hypothesis" that a decrease in plasma melatonin concentration--or a disruption in its secretion--explains the occurrence of, clinical disorders or cancers possibly related to magnetic fields.
Interactions between neuropharmacological compounds and the classes of weak magnetic fields that might be encountered in our daily environments. Whereas drugs mediate their effects through specific spatial (molecular) structures, magnetic fields mediate their effects through specific temporal patterns. Very weak (microT range) physiologically-patterned magnetic fields synergistically interact with drugs to strongly potentiate effects that have classically involved opiate, cholinergic, dopaminergic, serotonergic, and nitric oxide pathways. The combinations of the appropriately patterned magnetic fields and specific drugs can evoke changes that are several times larger than those evoked by the drugs alone. These novel synergisms provide a challenge for a future within an electromagnetic, technological world. They may also reveal fundamental, common physical mechanisms by which magnetic fields and chemical reactions affect the organism from the level of fundamental particles to the entire living system. This is new research made by Persingers lab.
Very weak 50-500 nanoTesla magnetic fields suggest that a common factor in cellular adhesion or plasticity might be permanently altered by prenatal exposure to a narrow intensity of a series of physiologically-patterned magnetic fields. Even the histomorphology in hippocampus may be altered. The fields exhibited peak elevations of aminotransaminase, glucose, and uric acid. Numbers of cytometric anomalies were also significantly elevated within regions of the hippocampus known for neuronal neogenesis in adults. Also by Persingers group.
So, the answer was not only melatonin per se, but all transmitter etc. Melatonin is an antioxidant that counteracts alterations in oxidative stress metabolism and cell viability induced by intracellular Calcium overload in human leucocytes. Changes with Age too. This is one report of many by Reiter.
Prenatal effects is also found. Weak (<1 microT) complex magnetic fields (CMFs) may exert their behavioral influences through the hippocampus by resonating by accident or design with intrinsic electrical patterns. Rats were exposed prenatally to one of four intensities of a CMF (either <5 nanoTesla [nT], 10-50 nT, 50-500 nT, or 500-1000 nT) designed to interact with the process of Long-Term Potentiation (LTP) in the hippocampus. Decreased cell density in one hippocampal area and increased in another. These findings support the hypothesis that continuous exposure during prenatal development to CMFs designed to simulate intrinsic LTP within the hippocampus can affect adult behaviors specific to this structure and produce quantitative alterations in neuronal density. Also by Persingers group.
The geomagnetic field.
When a loved one dies, the grieving survivors often report visions of the deceased. Half of persons over 70 years (elder people) felt the presence of the deceased (illusions)seen by Grimby, 2007. These visual and auditory hallucinations are part of the normal grief reaction and a very real physical occurrence to those who experience them. And now neuroscientist Michael Persinger has linked these visions to changes in the earth's magnetic field.
These 'breavement hallucinations' usually took place when magnetic activity was relatively high. Persinger suspects that the increase in gemagnetic activity electrically stimulates the temporal lobes of the brain. This, in turn, causes a drop in the level of the biochemical melatonin, found in the pineal gland. The drop in melatonin induces small seizures that transform memory fragments into visual images. To valdate his theory, Persinger has been applying magnetic field pulses across the temporal lobes of subjects while they wear opaque lenses and sit in a quiet room. 'They report their subjective experiences but don't know whether the pulse is on of off,' says Persinger. 'People report a lot of visual imagery,' he says, 'and they think that there is a presence, that some entity is in there with them when the pulse is on.'
Bereavement is an immensely stressful event that can take a huge toll on the body, potentially causing all sorts of physical problems, including physical exhaustion, uncontrollable crying, sleep disruption, palpitations, shortness of breath, headaches, recurrent infections, high blood pressure, loss of appetite, stomach upsets, hair loss, disruption of the menstrual cycle, irritability, worsening of any chronic condition such as eczema or asthma, and visual and auditory hallucinations.
Self-harming activity also belongs to this field quite strongly. More about that later.
The self and Ego.
A coupling to weak ego? Grief is seen as an accommodation to alife without that partner. Broken bonds (entanglements) give chaos and the self is not yet so strong, and hence it is easily distorted and dissociated. The self need to make new entanglements.
The same weak Ego is seen in schizophrenics. The border between the self and the environment is weak.
Suicide and depression has been linked to the pineal gland and the serotonin - cycle.
Can give an experience of aliens and UFOs?????
Linked to neurodegenerative diseases.
Linked to iron in the brain and neurodegenerative diseases, as MS, meningiomas, hippocampal changes. Iron is also linked to homocysteine, autoimmunity and tumours. See this.
Four main magnetic components can be distinguished: the diamagnetic matrix, nearly paramagnetic blood, antiferromagnetic ferrihydrite cores of ferritin and ferrimagnetic magnetite and/or maghemite.
Is it the iron that is the antenna?
Becker R.& Gary Selden 1998: The Body Electric. Harper Paperbacks. See also http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Body_Electric
A. Grimbly, 2007: Bereavement among elderly people: grief reactions, post-bereavement hallucinations and quality of life. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica Volume 87 Issue 1, Pages 72 - 80. http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/journal/119975304/abstract?CRETRY=1&SRETRY=0
Persinger M.A. 1988: Increased geomagnetic activity and the occurrence of bereavement hallucinations: evidence for melatonin-mediated microseizuring in the temporal lobe? Neurosci Lett. 1988 Jun 7;88(3):271-4. PubMed
Persinger, M.A.1999; The Most Frequent Criticisms and Questions Concerning the Tectonic Strain Hypothesis; http://www.shaktitechnology.com/tectonic.htm
Pulinets, Sergei: Ionospheric Precursors of Earthquakes: Recent Advances in Theory and Practical Application: TAO, Volume 15, No. 3, September 2004, 413-435
Reiter RJ. 1994: Melatonin suppression by static and extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields: relationship to the reported increased incidence of cancer.
Rev Environ Health. 1994 Jul-Dec;10(3-4):171-86. PubMed
Google search Reiter http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.go/pubmed?term=%22Reiter%20RJ%22[Author]
Richon P., Sabroux J.-C., Halbwachs M., Vandemeulebrouck J., Poussielgue N., Tabbagh J., Punongbayan R. (2003), Radon anomaly in the soil of Taal volcano, the Philippines: A likely precursor of the M 7.1 Mindoro earthquake (1994), Geophysical Research Letters, Volume 30, Issue 9, p. 34-1.
Keith Schulenberg 2008: Anatomy of a Ghost: How Do Ghosts Manifest and Affect the Physical World? http://paraquake.com/id11.html
Segovia, N; S.A. Pulinets, A. Leyv, M. Mena, M. Monnin, M.E. Camacho, M.G. Ponciano and V. Fernandez (2005-08-22). "Ground radon exhalation, an electrostatic contribution for upper atmospheric layers processes". Radiation Measurements (Science Direct) 40 (2–6): 670–2. doi:doi:10.1016/j.radmeas.2005.06.024. Retrieved 2009-02-25.
St-Pierre LS, Mazzuchin A, Persinger MA. 2008: Altered blood chemistry and hippocampal histomorphology in adult rats following prenatal exposure to physiologically-patterned, weak (50-500 nanoTesla range) magnetic fields. Int J Radiat Biol. 2008 Apr;84(4):325-35.PubMed
Whissell PD, Persinger MA. 2007: Emerging synergisms between drugs and physiologically-patterned weak magnetic fields: implications for neuropharmacology and the human population in the twenty-first century. Curr Neuropharmacol. 2007 Dec;5(4):278-88. PubMed. Free text file.
Whissell PD, Tsang EW, Mulligan BP, Persinger MA. 2009: Prenatal exposures to LTP-patterned magnetic fields: quantitative effects on specific limbic structures and acquisition of contextually conditioned fear. Int J Neurosci. 2009;119(1):1-14.PubMed.
Gödel, Lawvere and TGD
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