B. Environmental EM-matrix and the body.
Our main question is: is it possible that perception happen without prior nerve 'arousal'? Or can emotions be 'implanted' in our mind, without participation from our 'self'? Can perceptions depend on environmental 'fields' in an unnatural way? I mean, EM-fields are always responsible for our perceptions and sensations, but can the sensations be distorted so that we get hallucinations or odd behaviour? Can perceptions happen without sense-organ, as in ESP?
José M.R. Delgado summarized his findings from stimulating brain in the ELF domain, especially in the amygdala and hippocampus, by writing that, "movement, emotion and behaviour can be controlled by electrical forces, and human beings can be controlled like robots with the touch of a button."
Our senses/body recieve EM-fields and perception is electromagnetic.
What is the problem?
I list the problems here to get a better wiev of them. EIFs are modulated fields, that contain information? They are complex and fluctuating. The body needs a protection against those fluctuations. About 20 %of the people have a strong natural protection; 20 - 30 % have a weak protection.
I. Environmental matrix fields
Geomagnetic field, 50000nT, 0,5 Gauss
Pc1-pulsations, 0,2 - 5 Hz, 0,1 nT
Infrasound, 0,1 - 5 (16)Hz, Jet stream beat30 - 40 Hz
Schumann resonance, 7,8 Hz -26 Hz * 0,05 nT
Geomagnetic storm, 50 - 250 nT, electric + magnetic effects.
Tectonic strain theory, semiconductors and water,gas, Rn
Radioactive alpha decay
Static field, electrical field, motor sickness
Lightning, thunder
Pressure, Voice narrowing + other, N2-gas
Heat, fire, firewalking
Gravity, vestibular system
Exponation, time 20 - 30 min? diurnal time 10Hz
Plasmoids, solids,
Artificial fields, also present as backgrounds radiation today.
*values calculated by Toomey and Polk at 7.8, 14.1, 20.3, 26.4, and 32.5 Hz
super-low power HF EMR is highly effective in its action on humans.
II. Body matrix fields:
Hallucinations: EIFs 0,1 - 30 Hz, 100 -5000 nT 0,1 - 0,2 G ?
Biologically and medically interesting interval 10 -100 Hz
CNS, left hemisphere, temporals
Hippocampus, 7.8 Hz
Cardiovascular region, 0.1 Hz relates to the circulatory system
Respiration region
Neuronal stability, myelin
Transmitters and hormones
Ca++, 6 - 20 Hz
Stomach, GIT, Cellmembrane 10^11Hz
Age, water
+10 Hz to the circadian rhythms, 33 Hz to the lymphatic system, etc.
III. Artificial energy field around the body (8Hz).
Strong personal energy fields where inappropriate energies are deflected shelter about 20% of the people. The personal energy field can be strengthened to deflect undesirable EMR, by introducing a 8 Hz scalar EM signal. 8 Hz is very close to the Earth's Schumann Resonance of 7.83 Hz, and can be achieved by wearing a device like the famous Tesla watch. In doing so, the energy field around the body is enhanced and harmful electromagnetic frequencies are deflected, see this.
The artificial EM-fields from mobile phones should have some impact too, as static fields ner power lines etc., what is called electromagnetic pollution.
That is: Schumann resonances acts as our protection and the natural resonance harmony bottom for the body. It is the weak signal that control our body, as R. Becker said.
Behavior changes: EHF-field with 7,1 mm wavelength (mm-waves) was able to modify rat conditioned reflex activity when occiput was irradiated. Acklimatization was enhanced. That is stress reduction. 'Noise' as not harmonious oscillations limits the penetrations of these long waves and disturbs the collective oscillations in the body? Therefore disease can be seen as a negentropic disturbance of the informational flow in the body. Outer waves can too be such a disturbance. "The estimation of the sensitivity of a biological system boils down to the level of intrinsic noise", say Binhi 2002.
Nervous exhaustion or illness
makes the nervous system more sensitive (negative?,acid?) and the protection against stress diminish. Harmful information can then be fed into the organism, as A. S. Presman (1970) said. The effects from different frequencies must be hold apart, because the effects can be quite different. Changes in the bioelectrical activity of the brain has been recorded immidiately after exposure. Depended on the intensity of the field, time of exposure, and location of the irradiated part of brain. Ionization effects must also be considered.
The possible mechanisms for the action of an magnetic field will never be fully explored, the possibilities will never be exhausted, acc. to Binhi. Models that can be tested and gives predictions are most important. Diamagnetic orientation, liquid-chrystal effects and redistribution of molecules are just one type.
But also the different structures must be considered separately. As cells, membranes, chromosomes... They have all different resonance oscillations. Binhi 2002, talks of different organization levels, physical and complex adaptional levels. It is the processes that are interesting. Magnetobiological effects may be paradoxal.
Binhi wants to use a classification in 1) phenomenological (mathematical, phase transitions, stochaistic, radiotechnical models), 2)macroscopic (biomagnetite, heat and currents, clusters, superconductivity) and 3) microscopic (charge and spin, collective oscillations, many-body systems, metastable phases, space geometry). The odd thing with magnetic effects is that it is quite impossible to say if they exist as reals or not. Magnetic fields can be massless.
Roffey 1995, divides the problem into two categories:
1. The role of water and counterions in the connective tissue cytoskeletal system. The connective tissue, especially loose connective tissue is extremely important. Roffey writes: the smallest parts of an organism are tied together in a structural and functional continuum. At the base, there is the cytoskeletal system of the cell. This system is attached at the inner wall of the cell membrane to glycoproteins, which extend through to the cell surface. The glycoproteins attach, in turn, to elements of the extracellular ground substance matrix. The ground substance matrix exists within the intervals of the connective tissue fibers. These contiguous elements form the building blocks for larger structures, including larger groups of connective tissues. One can visualize tendons, for example, building from this cellular level to tropocollagens, microfibrils, subfibrils, fibrils, fascicle, tendon, etc. In fact, on examination of any anatomy text, the presence of fascia, a form of connective tissue, is almost universal throughout the body. It surrounds muscles, bones, organs, and nerve fibers. Soft tissues, in particular those containing a great deal of collagen, elastin, or actin, are considered bioviscoelastic solids, with some very interesting elastic properties. Also, many of these proteins are semiconducting. The entire organism should be considered as one structure with respect to its capacity for wave and oscillatory phenomena, although it is obviously not homogenous.
2. The existence of bioplasma; subject to magneto-hydrodynamic (MHD) control. Vladimir Binhi writes in 'THEORETICAL CONCEPTS IN MAGNETOBIOLOGY' 2001: "It is well known that weak, about 1 G and less, magnetic fields (MFs) cause a biological response. Processes of different hierarchic levels of a living organism, from molecular (bio)physical to complex adaptive biological processes, contribute essentially to the effect of MFs on biology. In biophysics, separate magnetosensitive processes at the fundamental level of interaction of fields and substance are studied. It is exactly at this level that complex spectral or “window” modes of the relation between biophysical processes and biologically significant MF parameters originate."
Analogies with plasma physics: Plasma is sensitive to magnetic and electric fields, to wave acoustics, operational mechanics, and to gravitational fields and temperature, depending on its chemical composition. Its exceptional selectivity and responsiveness, through alteration of its own state, make plasma the ideal carrier system of information within living organisms.
This sort of plasma is basically diamagnetic; there are however, many factors which may locally produce paramagnetism. In the evolution of biological systems, several things were probably important: a) the growth of the number of electrical components forming the plasma; b) and the accumulation of paramagnetics and the formation of temporary paramagnetic centers in diamagnetic organic compounds.
Bioplasma can be thought of as an "averaged-out" state of all the energetic factors resulting from metabolism. In a semiconductive proteinaceous aqueous environment, ions, drift of charges, etc. contribute to the overall "bioplasma." In the process of evolution, the number of electrical and magnetic components which contributed to the formation of this form of plasma increased with the evolution of the organism. Bioplasma is not plasma in the strict physics sense of the word, yet displays some physical properties.
A good example of an accumulation of paramagnetics is the pyrolysis reaction which yields condensed pyridine rings. This has been studied experimentally in polyacrylonitrile. The reaction of pyridine latticization is enhanced by the presence of Fe, Cu and Cr atoms or by irradiation. The products of pyrolysis are paramagnetic, containing approximately 1019 unpaired electrons per gram of substance, even though the polymer is diamagnetic before pyrolysis. Nature presumably makes use of the same properties of heterocyclic rings in forming complexes involving Fe in the case of heme, cyto-chromium or catalase, Cu in the case of hemocyanine, Mg in chlorophyll (Mn?), and Co in cobalamine (B12). Cu is linked to inflammation. Derivatives of pyridine have found extensive application in the organization of vital processes. Annular complexes with charge transfer, formed from aromatic amines and quinones with quadruple substitution, molecular oxygen, photexcited molecules in metastable triplet states, some organo-transition metal chelates, are other examples of paramagnetics. Research on charge-transfer paramagnetism is novel, we are still referring to semiconducting polymers.
Experimental attempts to prove the reality of bioplasma have strong roots in Russia since 1968. Magnetic fluctuation and the concomitant emission of weak radiation are only different pictures of the same plasma discontinuity. Paramagnetic centers are quantum-mechanically "mobile," and vary according to the general magnetic state of the system and radiation. The term "plasmon", popular in solid state physics (an analog of excited states such as exciton or polaron) may be adequate for describing the biological oscillation in terms of plasma.
The U.S. AiResearch Manufacturing Co have a brief categorization of bio-communicating fields:
To discover the "carrier mechanism" of this capacity, the AiResearch team undertook what it called "a short speculative study" and decided that three methods were "compatible with current modern physics." These included:
(1) Very Low Frequency (VLF) and Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) electromagnetic waves;
(2) Neutrinos, based on the photon theory of neutrinos;
(3) Quantum-mechanical (alpha decay) waves, based on schizo-physical interpretation of basic Quantum Mechanics theory.
The report said that experiments in the United States and the Soviet Union in this field point to the ELF/VLF mechanisms, but "the other two possibilities cannot be ruled out."
Matti Pitkänen: There are several kinds of frequencies: for instance:
*Cyclotron frequencies: control of biological body by magnetic body.
*Josephson frequencies assigned with Josephson junctions assignable to either cell membrane or identifies the flux tubes connecting lipids (membrane) to DNA nucleotides: communication of sensory data to cell membrane from magnetic body.
* The harmonics of the fundamental frequencies assignable to causal diamonds (body) and coming as octaves and assignable to elementary particles in zero energy ontology. Signal is received by sub-CD when the frequency corresponds to this kind of frequency so that it acts like radio receiver.
References in Part III.
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5 minuter sedan
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