Also Verlinde has hold a talk at Cern in 28.4.11.
28 AprProf. Erik Verlinde, "On the Origin of Gravity, Dark Energy and Matter."
Insights from black hole physics and developments in string theory strongly indicate that the gravity is derived from an underlying microscopic description in which it has no a priori meaning. Starting from first principles we argue that inertia and gravity are caused by the fact that phase space volume (or entropy) associated with the underlying microscopic system is influenced by the positions of material objects. Application of these ideas to cosmology leads to surprising new insights into the nature of dark energy and dark matter.
So, he talks of Phase space now... We use concepts and observe phenomena at a macroscopic scale, which are derived from a microscopic scale where they have no a priori meaning. Gravity arises because the amount of phase space (information) available for these degrees of freedom is influenced by the location of matter in space and time.
The talk is here. Video here.
Gödel, Lawvere and TGD
2 timmar sedan
SvaraRaderaMakes a sort of sense as I have maintained but whispered as philosophy.
It comes up or is implied by other bloggers here too and their pet theories.
But it is deeper than this idea of phase space if on any scale we accept more than the quantum as a clarity of the nothingness.
One does not need to be a rocket scientist to know that the limits of plotting such phases is the limits of where the equations break down at singularities, at infinities- but they may have to be aware of their own thoughts and biology to understand and apply these abstract concepts in a frame of math that can work.
This is why after metaphysics I modified the term here as Stereonometry.
The PeSla
Well, what means a quantum? It is the 'nothingness' but it is absolutely not only nothing. This depends on the both sides of reality. The 'emergency' is troublesome though. A phase space means loops in some form?
SvaraRaderaAs I understand it a phase space is not in agreement with M-theory, and that's why Lubos hate the thought, and loops especially.
Also Kea has troubles?
SvaraRaderaWhy would there be a difference in matter and antimatter and could it be a matter of positions or some sort of division of space where those divisions also make sense or add up.
Do we embarrassingly divide a circle into three or perhaps treat is as pi- some quanta of difference? What are we to do if we find that in some respects nature says 2+2 = 5 ?
Neither Pitkanen nor Kea have a theory (to the point I understand them) that is as simple as M theory or phase space in their probing of a new physics greater than such usual spaces. I still feel it deeper than our ideas of a quantum theory hmmmm. This is a little hard to explain in a comment but something like loop quantum gravity is a constellation of vague ideas and words.
We are gazing into an aquarium, you debating me in what amounts to my thoughts on philosophy, and seeing the life there swimming in loops, schools if greater than two or three, Siamese fighting fish who best work alone fighting their reflections in a mirror assuming they are real.
With short memories the world of those fish is very wide to explore, but at least in our corner of the coral we might define life as that which is greater than itself. Such is the tidal pond we gaze down upon seeing our own reflections, specters on the mountaintop to which we confuse what they are and us.
It makes sense to balance things as both sides of the reality you mention- but all that is contained in the pond and its paths and loops. Some of the freedoms of this higher motion we cannot yet show is intelligible.
Is that gravity when we walk thru some terrain and feel the objects, the fact they are there and take up space to the point some unstable minds sense spirits naturally or with keener eyes hears the memories and echos of radio waves in the granite echoing thru time?
The PeSla (whom influenced by your reply will have to address this in a post as speculative I feel some of the concepts where which I was not going to include in the general post as only vaguely intelligible.)
Verlinde got the Spinoza Prize, says Koelman.
"Neither Pitkanen nor Kea have a theory (to the point I understand them) that is as simple as M theory or phase space..."
SvaraRaderaAstonishing! Most physicists claim the opposite.
The loops were actualized with the "bump".
"Some of the freedoms of this higher motion we cannot yet show is intelligible." This depends on what is consciousness. You can still not see my point? Consciousness is born in the measurement in the vacuum point. It is independent of living matter, but living matter can collect more of it. Maybe sensitive minds also collect things not usually experienced.
E.P. Verlinde. "On the Origin of Gravity and the Laws of Newton". JHEP 04, 29 (2011). doi:10.1007/JHEP04(2011)029
SvaraRaderaFuzzy Twistors and Emergent Gravity
SvaraRaderaSpeaker(s): Herman Verlinde
Abstract: In this talk, I explain how twistors can be used to provide a covariant UV cut-off for 4-D gauge theory. I'll then motivate the conjecture that the cut-off gauge theory automatically contains 4-D Einstein gravity. As evidence, I describe how the theory reproduces the gravitational MHV amplitudes.
Date: 22/06/2011
Collection: Holographic Cosmology v2.0
The Hidden Phase Space of our Universe
SvaraRaderaSpeaker(s): Erik Verlinde
Abstract: By combining insights from black holes and string theory we argue for the existence of a hidden phase space associated with an underlying fast dynamical system, which is largely invisible from a macroscopic point of view. The dynamical system is influenced by slow macroscopic observables, such as positions of objects. This leads to a collection of reaction forces, whose leading order Born Oppenheimer force is determined by the general principle that the phase space volume of the underlying system is preserved. We propose that this adiabatic force is responsible for inertia and gravity. This fact allows us to calculate the hidden phase space volume from the known laws of inertia and gravity. We find that in a cosmological setting the appearance of dark energy is naturally explained by the finite temperature of the underlying system. The adiabatic approximation that leads to the usual laws of inertia and gravity breaks down in the neighborhood of horizons. In this regime the reaction force degenerates into an entropic force, and the laws of inertia and gravity receive corrections due to thermal effects. A simple estimate of these effects leads to the conclusion that they coincide with observed phenomena attributed to dark matter.
Date: 22/06/2011
Collection: Holographic Cosmology v2.0
Erik Verlinde at Strings 2011.