Venus/Earth-loops as seen from Venus over a period of 15.987 years. A view from Earth yields the same figure, only turned by 180 degrees. After about eight years we witness the full blossom of a fivefold starflower with Sun in the centre of the co-ordinate plane. Beautiful. Are they singing too?
I read a paper about it and I give just a link. Poincaré Hyperbolic Disk do not sound so good in my ears :) but behind the link is a fantastic story. First a computer image of the p-modes.
As the waves move outward they reflect off of the sun's surface (the photosphere) where the density and pressure decrease rapidly. Inward moving waves are refracted (their direction of motion bent) by the increase in the speed of sound as the temperature increases and eventually return to the surface. These trapped sound waves set the sun vibrating in millions of different patterns or modes (movie is found on NASA site). Since sound is produced by pressure, these modes of vibration are called p-modes. One mode of vibration is shown in the image above as a pattern of surface displacements exaggerated by over 1000 times.
The mysterious source of these oscillations was identified by way of theoretical arguments in 1970 and confirmed by observations in 1975. The oscillations we see on the surface are due to sound waves generated and trapped inside the sun. Sound waves are produced by pressure fluctuations in the turbulent convective motions of the sun's interior. As the waves move outward they reflect off of the sun's surface (the photosphere) where the density and pressure decrease rapidly..
A movie shows how this mode of oscillation consists of two oppositely moving waves. This from NASA.
The pattern of a p-mode solar acoustic oscillation both in the interior and on the surface of the sun, would give the music. SOHO gives images of the solar atmosphere at several wavelengths, and therefore, shows solar material at different temperatures, that gives pressure fluctuations and sound waves. Gravity waves too, if this entropy model of Verlinde is true. Nice.
Pythagoras, who – as the legend has it – could hear the “music of the spheres”, discovered that consonant musical intervals can be expressed in simple ratios of small integers. This concept was transferred by Platon (amongst others) into models about the structure of the universe common in the ancient world. And today this model is transferred into quantum physical models as seen in Nassim Haramein and the Resonans Project, or Peter Rowlands 'Zero to infinity'. Also behind the math in Tony Smiths homepage. The ancients meet our future. What a good thought. I love it.
Some thinks the metaphysics is trash, but I love it. I'm convinced that they knew something that we don't know today. But we are going for it. Maybe the direct way is not the right way? It is only analogies and metaphores, but with a truth in it.
Listen to the Sound of the Spheres.
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