Facial Reflexology works effectively in different pathologies, in physical, psychological and functional zones, generally combining different areas.
We will present here the case of a patient with Facial Paralysis, including the treatment and results obtained with Facial Reflexology.
The patient is 41 years old and got a chirurgical operation in the head to get out the acoustic neurinom (a benevolent tumor in the head between the cerebellum, pons and brain stem). After the operation in February 2007 she got a facial paralysis. The neurologist says that there was no damage done, but the nerve was numb and had to wake up again. She also got deaf on the right ear because of the 8th cranial nerve was totally removed.
Treatments of physiotherapy and facial muscular rehabilitation performed along eight weeks did not have any effect. The total recovery was a very slow process. In the midst of June the patient went to Hannek Van Baal's clinic in Holand, instructor of Lone Sorensen in Netherlands, for a treatment. She had at that moment four months symptoms of a facial paralysis: her right eye did not blink and could not close. Because of that, her cornea dried out, and she had to protect her eye with a plaster constantly. Her mouth pulled to one side and, especially when she was tired, she had difficulties to talk.
She had not returned to her job as a nurse yet.
Recovery within a half year
Supervised by Lone Sorensen, from Barcelona, the therapist started treating the patient with a treatment based in Facial Reflexology. All the zones in her face were deeply analyzed in order to diagnose the biggest deposits. The biggest deposit is the eldest blockade and thus the cause. When treating the deposit it has an effect on all the problems. The patient's biggest deposit was in the hormonal system; the balance between the glands, the tissue, the muscles and emotions was disturbed. The therapist gave special attention to this zone so as to balance it with the other areas, and to the acupoints that regulate and stimulate the energy flow to the face and body. She also treated the zone of all cranial nerves.
Furthermore, she treated specific nerve points for the mouth and the eye, according to the method of Dr. Quoc Chau, a methodology studied in Vietnam for treating nerve points in the face.
Aside from this, the massage of all the facial muscles is very important. Here she used a map of Dr. Castillo Morales, an Argentinean doctor who did a tremendous job working with the connection of the tension in the face muscles and the brain function. Using this map helps to relax the muscles. All these influences converted Lone Sorensen's model of Facial Reflexology into a holistic treatment.
Lone Sorensen's methodology combines up to fourteen different methodologies in Facial Reflexology, used depending on the pathology. In this case, a combination of acupoints was included to specifically treat the paralysis.
The treatment gives a relaxing effect to the patient and simultaneously the hope that a progress is possible. This has a great influence on her/his well being.
Already during the first treatment she had the feeling that there was a change in her face. And indeed there was a movement in the muscle on the nose bridge. She was very tired after the treatment, but very enthusiastic.
After the two next treatments she was able to move an eyebrow muscle and she could lift her nose a little bit.
After the fourth treatment, she could see more clearly and she felt more energetic. A deeper muscle was working again.
After the fifth meeting, she got more energy and a muscle just beneath the eye was working. She tried to work a few hours per day, experiencing her limits. She visited her therapist of facial muscular rehabilitation, who saw a big difference both physically and mentally.
After the sixth treatment she was able to divide her energy better. And again after the seventh treatment she felt very relaxed, and she could almost close her eye. She looked more relaxed and was able to move her face muscles all the time.
The following weeks she began to work more and she felt more energy. After every treatment she could feel the effects; pricks and butterfly feelings in the right side of her face in the area around her eye and ear. She could produce tears again.
Until December 2007 she came every week for a treatment and there were changes every time: she was able to frown and her cheek and under part of her face were more solid. She could also feel some muscles on her forehead; an area that was not moving at all before.
She got better dividing her energy and got a normal life again. It was December, after nineteen treatments.
In 2008 she worked more and more, just like her colleagues. Her treatments went on but just once every two weeks. Changes were still taking place, but not so quickly.
In March she visited her neurologist and he is very surprised to see her progress almost a year after the operation.
11th. Newsletter of GLOBAL FACIAL NETWORK
Sep 2008
How to treat Facial Paralyse
Case of Facial Paralyse
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